To Sir With Love - E. R. Braithwaite

To Sir with Love To Sir with Love by E. R. Braithwaite

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
Its a very simply written book and a well written one. I expected it to be a melodramatic, overly expressive book, but it wasn't. The simple descriptions gave a wonderful picture of the environment in which the children were brought up, their school and also a good idea of how east London looked. There are a lot of movies on the same theme and I believe we begin to in a way sub-consciously expect the same kind of drama in older books. And that's what I was afraid of when I picked it up. This book needed no drama to keep me interested in it until I finished it. If I were to tell you what I think of this book in one word that word would be "Simple".

View all my reviews.


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