To walk or to knit

I recently bought these walking shoes because I realized I enjoy taking a walk around the block and of course I knew it's a great way to burn off some calories. These shoes have a pocket into which I can place a chip that can talk to my iPhone and track my walks - miles, time, calories burned, pace, etc. I can even program my iPhone to play my fav music while tracking these walks. So I was inspired. The first day I walked with these shoes I found out I walk 1.89 miles in 35 mins and I'm not even tired. 

So I figured, maybe I should have a goal. Until now my goal was just to get some exercise in. So I thought hmm how about walking/running a 5k race. So I started researching on what it takes to participate in a 5K run. All it takes is training and consistency. I think I'm up for it. Have to find a community / forum for encouragement and support probably. Anyone up for a run with me? First there is an 8 week program for beginners and then a 6 week training for the 5K. Ok, now I'm a little nervous about following through. Once this is up on my blog I have to follow through. And that's especially hard when I read some thing like this. 

Walking at 3mph for 30mns burns around 100 calories. So I just need to knit for 30 mins more to burn off the same amount. 1 hour of knitting or 30 mins of walking, hmm, this shouldn't be a hard decision to make. :-D.


  1. Except knitting doesn't tone and build muscles in the same way that walking will. Just saying. Maybe you could walk and knit at the same time.

  2. Of course and knitting does not exercise all the right parts that need toning either. Walk and knit... now that's an idea I've never tried :-).

  3. Loved the nugget about knitting! I must have been burning loads of calories and adding a lot of tiers in other parts of the anatomy at the same time :-)


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