Indian toddler in the USA
Today, it's 1 yr and a few days since my son has been going to a day care and he, my husband and me have come a long way since then. We're planning to move him to a different day care and we were trying to list out everything we wanted in a different day care. And it got us thinking about a lot of things. We have learnt a lot of the American ways of bringing up a child and there are so many things we just refuse to learn. And I was trying to think and logically reason out why we refuse to learn certain things. In India we coddle our children for many many years and sometimes forever. It's just our culture to do everything for our child and love them and give give give to them. Out here (in the western world) the focus from the time the baby is born is on making them independent. We realized, being independent and being attached are not really mutually exclusive of each other. If a child is attached to his parents, it does not mean he's not going to grow up to be indepen...